How to Delete Temporary Files in Windows 11?

by | Dec 15, 2023 | Computer, Windows | 0 comments

Deleting temporary files in Windows 11 can help free up disk space and enhance system performance.
  1. Open Settings:
    • Click on the “Start” button, and then select the “Settings” gear icon. You can also press Win + I shortcut to open Settings directly.
  2. Click on System:
    • In the left sidebar “System.”
  3. Select Storage:
    • In the right panel, click on “Storage.”
  4. Free Up Space:
    • In the Storage settings, you’ll see a summary of your storage usage. Click on “Temporary files” under the storage graph.
  5. Select Temporary Files:
    • Windows will display a list of temporary files that you can delete. Check the boxes next to the types of files you want to remove. This might include temporary files, system cache, and more.
  6. Click on “Remove Files”:
    • Once you’ve selected the files you want to delete, click on the “Remove files” button. Windows will delete the selected temporary files.
Cleaning temporary files on a regular basis can contribute to better system performance and more storage space. How to Delete Temporary Files in Windows 10? You can also use the Disk Cleanup tool to delete temporary files.

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